Syngaschem BV signs agreement with DIFFER for 2016-2020
Syngaschem, Synfuels China and DIFFER have a common interest in the use of syngas for the storage of electricity in synthetic fuels, as a contribution to a future sustainable energy supply. The concept which DIFFER and Syngaschem BV together want to pursue is to use green electricity to convert water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into syngas, which can then be converted by Fischer-Tropsch and other processes.
By collaborating, DIFFER and Syngaschem hope to create synergy between their research programs and their research teams, and they hope to benefit from new public-private funding schemes, for example from the Netherlands Organization of Research, NWO.
(Foto: Vincent van den Hoogen)
Download the Press Release in English and Dutch here
Published on April 17, 2015